Le bâillement-miaulement

Last Friday it was Cat Daddy’s birthday, and his second-best present was the whisky that I bought him from the Abhainn Dearg distillery on the Isle of Lewis.

His best present, however, was a restful birthday lie-in unpeppered with feline screaming. There really is no price one can put upon that.

Our chat-sitteur captured les fangs perfectly here.

One of the many things that I love about cats – apart from the rare occasions that they let us sleep in peace – is when a meow turns into a yawn. My family have named this phenomenon, erm, the yawn-meow. I know. Creativity and originality just run in our blood.

I suppose it should be the meow-yawn since the meow comes first, but yawn-meow is so much easier to say.

It’s a difficult thing to record because we don’t know when it’s coming. I don’t imagine even the cats know it’s coming – and, if they did, they’d try to hold it in as soon as we took out our phones, just to spite us. But I was lucky enough to capture the Catorzian yawn-meow some time ago but, as is often the case with Louis Catorze, I couldn’t post it at the time as he was doing so much other stupid nonsense which took over Le Blog.

Catorze reads Le Blog, highly amused by the antics of King Ghidorah and Samba.

Here is the yawn-meow, in all its fine glory. You’re welcome:

Watch him go cross-eyed when he does it.

27 thoughts on “Le bâillement-miaulement

  1. Despite showing off just how fangy their fangs are, kitty yawns always make me want to smoosh the ever-living love out of them. Then again, pretty much everything KitKat does wants me to smoosh the ever-living love out of her, so… His Maj pulls off the yawn-meow well!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Happy Birthday to Cat Daddy! Hope he likes the whiskey… Here’s a good way to start a day: espresso, chocolate and a video with Louis! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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