L’espace, c’est le luxe absolu

I’m glad to report that there have been no more mice since my last-but-one post. However, Louis Catorze did wake me at 5am one morning to proudly deliver me a piece of flaked almond. I know.

Anyway, in other news, remember my blissful morning ritual of sipping green tea whilst Catorze sleeps on my lap? Well, those days are now gone, at least for the next few months, thanks to a certain someone’s Summer Mode being well and truly activated.

These days, when I wake up in the morning, the little sod is nowhere to be found. Last weekend he was out all day, coming in at 9pm to scream and scream at us – no reason, just for fun – and then race back out again.

I suspect that the main draw for Catorze is the fact that our outdoor cushions have been deployed. Why settle le rump royal on hard wood or rattan when you can cradle it in/on something soft?

Here he is, in his new favourite places. I don’t suppose he will be budging until October at the absolute earliest:

Living the life of a king.
A greyer day than the one above, but still a nice time to enjoy le jardin.

16 thoughts on “L’espace, c’est le luxe absolu

  1. He was screaming to tell you if the epic fun he had been having all day and when he saw your reaction he decided to go back to the fun, he was being kind trying to save you from yourself because he doesn’t understand why you weren’t out with him enjoying all he was up to!!

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  2. Well, Louis may prefer the cushions to the softness of your la, but probably it has more to do with the cushions being n the warm sunshne.

    Liked by 1 person

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