Quand les mouettes suivent un chalutier

I have just been screamed at whilst making, and eating, a tuna mayonnaise sandwich.

I don’t know where Louis Catorze was when I started making it but, as soon as I opened the can of tuna, it flushed him out of his mystery hiding place place and the noise started. And it went on. And on. AND ON.

If you have ever had a cat, known a cat or even glimpsed one from a distance, you will know that they like tuna. But this is Catorze, and Catorze is not interested in food for humans. I have opened cans of tuna at least 8,063 times since he was crowned Roi du Château, and he has either shown mild interest, only to refuse any scraps offered, or not shown any interest at all.

I tried to fob him off with some Orijen, but he wasn’t having any of it, clearly knowing that the tantalising aroma swirling through the air was something else. He wanted tuna. But, after The Great Salmon Grab and the highly stressful two-day hunger strike that ensued, I had learned my lesson; this time, I wouldn’t be offering him any scraps.

Finally, when I had finished, it dawned on him that he wasn’t going to get any tuna. So he settled on my lap, had a good wash and went to sleep. But it was a bitter wash, and a nap oozing with resentment.

What is HAPPENING? And what kind of a state of affairs is it when I don’t even blink at the more sinister, occultist Catorzian capers, yet him wanting tuna makes me question life, the universe and everything?

In his happy place with Cat Daddy.

16 thoughts on “Quand les mouettes suivent un chalutier

  1. Poor you. Being screamed at is rarely enjoyable. In addition, it’s likely to ruin your appetite. Don’t you think you could forgive Louis and offer him a few scraps of whatever he lusts after?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Can’t open a tuna can here. All the cats come running. They get the tuna juice and it’s always a fight for who gets it. I’ve tried opening the can in the garage so they couldn’t hear it but when I come in there are 4 cats sitting there waiting.

    Liked by 2 people

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