Le cristal royal

I have bought Louis Catorze two new water glasses for his birthday. I wanted a spare one for when the other was in the dishwasher, and I chose two different styles from the same range because I didn’t know which one Catorze would like better.

The range is called Versailles, bien sûr.

(You’d think all glasses would be created equal, right? But, over time, we have learned that Catorze will drink from a pint glass, a wine glass and a highball tumbler, but not a cocktail coupe and DEFINITELY not a bowl. He would rather shrivel up and die of thirst than drink from a substandard water vessel.)

I avoided opening the box for ages because I knew that Cat Daddy would be furious, but eventually I couldn’t put it off for any longer.

Needless to say, Cat Daddy hates them and doesn’t think we need them. It’s true, but we don’t, but then not much about Catorzian life is about “need”. He doesn’t “need” the most expensive food on the planet. He doesn’t “need” fancy Japanese raised, tilted bowls. He doesn’t “need” antique silver Louis XIV cutlery. But he has them. That’s just the way things are.

Cat Daddy also says that the glasses are brash and ostentatious. But then that’s what la noblesse are all about; understated good taste is not their style.

I don’t suppose having me lying there taking photographs was especially conducive to a peaceful drinking atmosphere, but the little sod was initially wary:

“Quoi le merde is this?”

He sniffed the glass, walked away, returned for another sniff and walked away again. Oh dear.

Thankfully, he eventually relented. This was a huge relief to me as I couldn’t handle the inevitable grief from Cat Daddy had he not.

Oh, and the volume of the Versailles wine glass is slightly less than that of his previous vessel (a Bodum storage jar, the kind used for tea or sugar or whatever). So I can tell Cat Daddy that we are doing our bit for the environment. Ahem.

Incidentally, whilst I escaped the I Told You So Chorus, I didn’t manage to avoid the comments about giving the little sod his birthday present early. How is it possible to be against the idea of a cat receiving birthday presents, yet insistent that said cat should not receive said presents in advance of the day? Am I the only one who doesn’t understand that?

28 thoughts on “Le cristal royal

  1. Oh Nemone how wonderful his glass is and what Cat Daddy doesn’t understand is that the new glass has to be tried out in advance because the birthday could be spoiled by an outright refusal to use it. So this way dear Louis will be celebrating in style, sipping from his perfect goblet. And we don’t want to overstimulate him by confusing him with too many changes after all, better to play it down and allow his Lordship (and you) to savour every moment of his Joyeaux Anniversaire ! 💖💙🐈‍⬛💙💖

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        1. The latter! 🤣🤣🤣 It’s probably not his actual birthday, but it’s what’s listed on his paperwork as his birthday.

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            1. It’s hilarious, isn’t it? Had we not been given a date at all, I’m sure we’d have made one of the sabbats his birthday. Most likely Samhain or Beltane. 🤣🤣🤣

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  2. I wouldn’t like to sound intrusive, but I have a question. We are told about a new glass you bought to please Louis. But, what about Cat Daddy? Is he accustomed to pampering Louis too or are you the only member of the household who does it?

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  3. That Versailles wine glass looks great and it’s the perfect gift for that sweet birthday boy. If there’s a chocolate cake I might pay you a visit… 😉

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  4. The cats here drink from a tilted bowl especially made for cats but their food is on special flat plates. I tried to explain whisker fatigue (yes it’s a thing) to the local cat daddy and he just shook his head.

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