Hurler, c’est la vie

Oh. Mon. Dieu. Please help us.

Louis Catorze just won’t stop screaming. It’s absolutely awful and we don’t know what to do.

Taking a brief break before starting again.

Yesterday I came home to find that someone had taken away his new Versailles glass put his old, ugly, calcified water tumbler back. I thought the cleaning lady had done it, but it was Cat Daddy, who thought, perhaps, that the screaming was a protest against the new glasses. I told him that I had seen Catorze drink from the glasses many times, so it couldn’t possibly be that. However, that doesn’t help us in our quest to find out what on earth it could be.

Two days ago, when Cat Daddy was on the phone to a family member, Catorze circled him, screaming and screaming. Luckily said family member knows what he’s like (Catorze, I mean, not Cat Daddy), so she just did her best to ignore it. But that didn’t make it any less embarrassing.

He has food. He has water. He has warmth, love and comfortable places to sleep. Nothing has changed in his surroundings which could cause him to be unsettled. The only thing we can imagine is that he just likes the sound of his own voice. I guess someone has to.

Catorze and I watched “Inside the Mind of a Cat” on Netflix the other day, in the hope that it might provide some answers.

It didn’t.

Yuki Hattori, the Japanese cat guru, stated that “Cats who live with humans meow a lot.” Excusez-moi? So it’s … OUR FAULT?

It doesn’t bode well, does it, if the one person who is supposed to be working to help us understand our enemy, has clearly been gaslit and/or nobbled* by them?

*Americans: “to nobble” means to bribe, blackmail or otherwise influence in some sort of nefarious manner.

They also state in the programme that 79% of cats look to their owners for “emotional advice”. So their shit behaviour is our fault, too?

Here is Catorze, watching the programme intently (and being quiet, for once). I focused on him towards the end of the recording to show his bald, piggy ears, the cause of which is another Roi mystery that nobody understands:

Oui, Sa Maj, that’s how normal cats are supposed to look and behave.

18 thoughts on “Hurler, c’est la vie

  1. I feel your distress! Andy doesn’t make a howl of it, but some days he stops by and pats my arm to encourage me to follow him to some place where he wants something. Sometimes, I can’t discern what his issue is, what he wants. Sooooo, he pats my arm, I get up over and over, and the only things I get out of it is lots of exercise.

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      1. After * follow him, he stops by whatever it is he wants and sits facing it. Unfortunately, the refrigerator – food – and the front door -kitty adventures – are a bit difficult to pick out when he sits facing me instead of the one he wants. Even when I respond to both, he sometimes still has some wish I cn’t discern.

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  2. I saw that program just last week; while interesting, I thought: tell me something I don’t know when it comes to talkative felines! 😹 Could Sa Maj be in pain somehow? (tooth, ear mites?) Has some change been made in your home scent re: air freshener/candle/clothes detergent/ cooking?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. He’s more inclined to sulk quietly if in pain, so it’s not that. If he’s screaming he’s probably fine!


  3. Watching Louis who focuses on TV is both funny and impressive. So far, none of our cats have behaved so.
    As to meowing, there are cats which are very talkative but others aren’t. Louis probably belongs to the first group. The same happens with human beings. I’m sure your pupils scatter through all those kinds too.

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  4. Darth Vader has been screaming more than usual, too. He has demands that are not being met. Also, like the roi, I suspect that he loves the sound of his own voice. Sometimes, when I acquiesce too quickly, he looks a bit miffed and continues meowing, like a tenor finishing a famous aria in front of a plebeian audience.

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