Les miettes sur l’assiette

Louis Catorze has been making a God-awful mess during feeding. Recently his mat and bowl have been covered in crunched-up fragments of Orijen, suggesting that the pellets are too big for him when, in actual fact, they’re smaller than those of Lily’s Kitchen and therefore should be easier to manage.

When I took him for his steroid jab I asked the vet to check his teeth, because I wanted to be sure that the little sod wasn’t having difficulty chewing. It turns out that the he has something called feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions or FORL for short, in other words absorbing a tooth back into his gums. Long story short, he will need surgery under a general anaesthetic to fix it, to the tune of £550-£675.

Cat Daddy: “He’s such a ****.”

I feel awful when I think that this may even be the reason why he lost weight, although he was showing no signs of having tooth problems. Perhaps I should have known something was wrong as he has been very clingy towards me lately, and Cat Daddy has a theory that he does this when he’s not feeling well. (Usually, as you know, he couldn’t give a shite whether I live or die.) Anyway, we have made an appointment for 10th September, and Catorze will hop aboard the Animal Bus to the TW3 branch and have the procedure there. We can’t do it any sooner because the surgery has to take place when the steroid jab is beginning to tail off but not worn down to nothing.

Meanwhile, I am dampening his Orijen with water to soften it and wondering what the heck else could possibly go wrong with him, because surely he’s now had every ailment there is? Here is some information about his freakish yet apparently common condition, if you’re interested.

Poor little sod.

32 thoughts on “Les miettes sur l’assiette

    1. Yes, luckily his looks to be at the milder end of the scale, thank goodness! Not looking forward to the surgery, though. I just feel he’s getting too old for all this.


  1. Poor Louis. Fortunately, you saw he had a problem. Now, let’s hope he will be able to feed himself more easily when the vet fixes the trouble.

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  2. Awwww, poor guy! Our Angel Tucker had a similar condition and after some expensive surgery, he was fine and lived many happy years after with no further teeth problems. Those fangs create a lot of problems!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s really good to know! I really don’t want Catorze to reach the point where he can only mush wet pulp between his gums, because he doesn’t like wet food. 🙄

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    1. Thing is, he wasn’t really miserable. He was just a bit messy. Silly sod. Glad yours are ok with a total of one fang!


        1. How many do you have? They’ll soon have you properly trained so that you’re scrabbling around after them like the rest of us! 🤣

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