Mieux vaut un bon sommeil qu’un bon lit

If you have been following Le Blog for a while you will be aware that, if Cat Daddy sits down next to us, Louis Catorze climbs off my lap and onto his. Usually he does this in under ten seconds (and Cat Daddy has timed him).

Yesterday I’d had him on my lap for a good hour or so and, when Cat Daddy sat down with us, he said, “You know what’s going to happen now, don’t you?”

Me: “Yes but, to be honest, I could do with him getting up and leaving because I want to go and get a glass of water.”

And, as soon as those words were out of my mouth, that was it. Catorze wasn’t moving.

Twenty minutes later:

Me: “I can see his ears twitching. He’s preparing to move.”

Catorze didn’t move.

Forty minutes later:

Me: “I can feel his paws twitching. He’s preparing to move.”

Catorze didn’t move.

An hour later:

Me: “I’m actually really thirsty now.”

Cat Daddy: “You can’t chuck him off! He’ll be upset!”

Me: “…”

Should they find my body in months to come, dehydrated and lifeless on the sofa, you’ll know what happened. And, most likely, Catorze will still be on my lap, mainly to make sure that I’m really dead.

Not moving.

23 thoughts on “Mieux vaut un bon sommeil qu’un bon lit

  1. Boo has an unnerving ability to know when I am just about to get up. Preparing to go for a wee? No chance. Want to check on dinner? Think again. Doorbell? Oh, you look comfy. How does he know?!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I often have the opposite problem as Dr. CaSo calls it. Our poor cat knows it and agrees with leaving my lap without being upset. You can tell it to Cat Daddy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, with Catorze in particular I doubt if 1) he would feel upset and 2) he would remember if he did. 🤣🤣🤣


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