Le mauvais œil

My summer holiday, so far, has been all about Louis Catorze: organising his vet appointment, his chat-sitteur and his play dates with the little girl next door, and trying (and failing) to stop his ear-bleedingly noisy altercations with the parakeets. It’s like having an especially high-maintenance and troublesome toddler.

In better news, after what feels like an age, Catorze’s bald patch finally appears to be growing back. Obviously this is a relief. But how annoying that it will be looking comparatively normal for his chat-sitteur, whilst we have had to put up with it looking more like an eye than ever before, following us creepily wherever we go.

A couple of my friends have seen it face to face. One of them stopped laughing for long enough to say “I can’t believe it even has a … PUPIL!” before laughing again.

This is what it looks like now:

Almost gone.

And this (below) is what we have had to endure over the last however-many weeks. The last one is the most scary, in my opinion:

Stop …
Looking …
At …
Me …

By the time the chat-sitteur arrives, I imagine it will have vanished entirely and that Le Roi will have morphed from this:

Picture by Alexandra Ioileva.

To this:

Picture from Boredpanda.com.

It’s not really fair, is it? But this perfectly sums up life with the little sod.

16 thoughts on “Le mauvais œil

    1. Don’t worry, I deleted the Invisible Editor’s handiwork! We did ask at the vet about this, when it was still quite small, but they said that since it wasn’t sore and wasn’t bothering him, we should just leave it.


  1. Who knows? The cute eye we can see in the pictures can have turned into an inner eye as high-performance as the outward one was.
    Have a nice holiday all the same.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. This post sounds so dramatical that I begin to doubt about Louis’ eye… It looks a lot like the Evil Eye of Sauron. I think you should be worried about your future…

    Liked by 2 people

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