Tel père, tel fils

Today is Fathers’ Day in the UK, and I have bought Cat Daddy this delightful gift:

For a few seconds I thought this said “10”, which would have been dreadful … but also very funny.

No doubt he will be absolutely furious, not just at the waste of money on “unsolicited cat tat”, as he puts it, but at the fact that I accidentally made his hair much greyer than it really is. This was partly because I was on a crowded bus at the time of choosing the personalisation, and therefore wasn’t concentrating properly, but also because I just didn’t remember.

Oui, Mesdames et Messieurs: I actually FORGOT the hair colour of my husband of fifteen years, and didn’t realise until I arrived home that day and looked at him properly. Oh dear.

Could I pinpoint Louis Catorze’s white hairs with greater accuracy? Probably, yes.

Anyway, I hope you all have a lovely day, whether or not you choose to celebrate. Cat Daddy will be enjoying it from his default position: underneath Catorze.

On this fine day, Cat Daddy decided to relax outside with a magazine. Catorze said NON.

For more Catorzian capers, please visit

16 thoughts on “Tel père, tel fils

  1. When we learn a foreign language, there is always a time when we have to tell where the cat is. Therefore, the position of Cat Daddy “underneath the cat” made me smile…

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