L’ange noir qui veille sur mon berceau

What notable things happened today?

Just the usual screaming. You know how it is.

Furthermore, Louis Catorze’s screaming is getting worse. None of us ever thought this possible, but it’s happening.

When I told Cat Daddy about the incident with the beautician, asking, “What on earth could have been wrong with him that day?”, Cat Daddy pointed out that it wasn’t just that day; Catorze is like that all the time.

This is how Catorze’s bullying escalates if he doesn’t get attention:

1. Just screaming*

2. Screaming + sitting at our feet, staring at us

3. Screaming + jumping onto the sofa next to us, staring

4. Screaming + placing front paws on our lap, staring into our face

5. Screaming + placing back paws on our lap and front paws on our chest

6. Screaming + head-butting our hands

7. Screaming + knocking drinks, books or phones out of our hands (yes, he’s scalded me with hot tea more than once)

*I say “JUST screaming” as if being on the lower end of the scale isn’t so terrible but, trust me, this is bad. The bar starts very low and just sinks progressively lower.

Catorze was a particularly psychotic hell-beast the night before I had planned to a ten-mile walk with my friend. You know those nights when you think, “I really need a good sleep because I have a very important thing to do tomorrow”? Yeah, it was one of those. For the few nights before that, I hadn’t heard a peep from him and he’d just cuddled quietly in bed, hence why I stupidly thought he’d behave on the eve of my walk. Oh, and the already-demanding ten miles turned into a tragic thirteen because we got lost, so it really wasn’t great to have had the Catorzian disturbance the night before.

What on earth do we do, Mesdames et Messieurs? There has to be a solution other than investing in earplugs?

No, you go ahead and relax. Don’t mind us.

For more Catorzian capers, please visit http://louiscatorze.com

19 thoughts on “L’ange noir qui veille sur mon berceau

  1. Sa Majs’ hearing may be declining, for which I sympathize with you; I’m certain that you wish that yours would be. Poor Roi can’t hear himself demand! 🙀

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