Les plus bavardes des perruches

Although the idea of being awoken by sweet birdsong is romantic, the reality is somewhat different. In the summer months, London’s resident parakeets – yes, we really do have them living wild here – start their infernal racket at 4am. Although they’re strikingly pretty birds, there’s nothing nice about the noise that they make (nor about the time that they start).

Bastard birds.

Louis Catorze can compete with any animal in terms of noise and, just because he can, he does. Also, because black cats are born without the chromosome that makes them mind their own business, when the parakeets are shrieking he is compelled to respond. Even if this makes them shriek more. ESPECIALLY if this makes them shriek more.

Here he is, having just retaliated. Their heads were tilted to look at the source of the scream, but this also gives them a disapproving, judgemental air:

Oh good grief.

Just like the sunblock on the ears, we have a whole summer of this ahead of us. Quelle joie.

For more Catorzian capers, please visit http://louiscatorze.com

27 thoughts on “Les plus bavardes des perruches

  1. Having to share a town with parakeets is a genuine issue. Take heart. So far, those birds haven’t reached my town yet, but they are coming closer.

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  2. To keep crazy birds away (not parakeets though) we use plastic owls, but occasionally have to move them around the yard. Would they be scared off by this technique?

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  3. Birdsong at our home comes from the inside – from our 3 rescue parrots. One of them actually sings while the other two scream when they wish to communicate their displeasure at slow food service or perceived injustice. Our cat Gracie has similar conversations with our cockatoo. 🤦‍♀️ they seem to enjoy it. I’m less enthused.

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      1. One bird is small and in a cage. The others are large with intimidating beaks. One normally stays out of reach and is left alone. The cockatoo flies all over the house and gets his reputation as a badass pretty early when he manages to bite the cats’ tails. They steer clear after that.

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      1. Only teasing you!! 😂 😂 😂 Black cats, especially Bombays are very much a breed of their own, Cheeky fits the breed description so well. I’ll never forget hearing her twin boy’friend’ cats coming to play and hearing one of them’s head cracking the ground as she through him over! It was what she called playing, they always came round to see her, they never cottoned on that all she wanted to do was beat them up in a friendly way, heaven forbid if she’d ever been involved in a full on cat fight. Theo has become very bold with her since she’s becoming an old lady. Not so much in cat years but her legs don’t work so good, which we out down to the villains who Kerry caught using her as a football. What is it with young men (1 particular footballer) that think it’s fine doing these sort of things? I remember one of my girls coming home from school incredibly upset (maybe Kitty) and a teacher being distraught as he saw a bastard setting fire to a squirrel’s tail. Anyway I digress as usual, Louis looks so similar to Cheeky I bet he’s got at least some Bombay in him, she definitely has!! All power to the pusscats!! I just got home and as I was collecting my Rock Choir bag from the car Merlot was intently focused down the car park so I looked and there was an almost white cat casually strolling up the car park. Both Merlot and I were very hurt that it went off in a deferent direction, we both love to have a chat with it usually it obviously wasn’t in the mood! ❤️🐾🐈‍⬛

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