Le sapin de mort

We have the maman of all middle-class problems here at Le Château: the festive tree that we purchased for our cat is so spiky that we can’t decorate it.

Cat Daddy: “Well, you wanted a tree for him. It’s your fault.” To be fair, he has a point.

Here is a picture of the tree (below) and, as you can see, I can’t even take the packaging off the pot because the Blood-Letting Needles of Death slash me to smithereens whenever I go near.

Cat Daddy is concerned that Louis Catorze will come a cropper in the same way but, despite logic suggesting entirely the opposite, I actually trust the little sod on this one. After all, it was he who informed us that the sprawling tendrils of the butternut squash plant were riddled with killer spines when we noticed him leaping to clear them instead of just elbowing/headbutting his way through: https://louiscatorze.com/2017/09/10/attention-aux-courges-butternut/

Anyway, my options now are as follows:

1. Leave the evil tree as it is.

2. Invest in one of those telescopic picking-up devices and use it to hang the decorations from a distance.

Cat Daddy: “What about “Option 3: Leave someone else to fix the problem that YOU CREATED IN THE FIRST PLACE”? That’s what’s going to end up happening, isn’t it?”

He has a point there, too.

10 thoughts on “Le sapin de mort

    1. What should I say in the description? “Caution: blood-letting spines. May cause injury or death”? 🤣🤣🤣 That would be the honest description.


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